Our Guarantee
Our Guarantee

Your Success, Guaranteed!
Would you like to know for a FACT that you're going to pass your exam before stepping foot in the exam center? With this training program, you will!
We're so confident that you'll pass your exam on your first attempt by following this plan that we'll give you all your money back PLUS 10% for the prep course.
We only ask that you use the program according to its design.
Satisfaction Guarantee

Our Guarantee Policy!
We understand the difficulty in choosing the right partner to help you pass your contractors exam.
If you are not totally satisfied with your purchase, we offer a 15-day hassle-free return policy.
All products must be returned in new condition. We are confident you will be able to pass your exam on your first attempt.
We offer a 110% Money Back SUCCESS Guarantee on all prep courses.
Our policy is simple, if you have done your part and studied using our course and all the books, we guarantee your success.
1. If you do fail your test, please contact us within 5 days of failing your exam and send us a copy of your failure notice provided by the testing company.
2. Your must have at least 3 practice exams where you scored a 95% or better (this is important!).
3. Test times must be at least 70% of the allowable test time. (if a test has 100 minutes allowed, then your test times must be at least 70 minutes)
4. If you passed the business/law but not the Trades, then you may receive a 75% refund for the price of the prep course.
5. If you passed trades, but not business law, then you may receive a 25% refund for the price of the prep course.
6. If you didn't pass either or if your license doesn't require both exams, then you may receive a 110% refund for the price of the prep course.(This does not apply to the price of the books or tabs)
There are no refunds on shipping/handling or used books. Cramming a few days before your exam is not considered adequate study time. There are no refunds on shipping/handling or used books.